Masuk Daftar

daftar alkana rantai lurus bahasa Inggris

  • daftar:    a list of; bills; institusional; list of;
  • alkana:    alkane; alkanes; methane series; paraffin series;
  • rantai:    bangle; catenary; chain; fetter; bracelet;
  • lurus:    as the crow flies; direct; erect; naive; out of
  • alkana:    alkane; alkanes; methane series; paraffin series; paraffin; alkane series
  • lurus:    as the crow flies; direct; erect; naive; out of wind; right; rigt-lined; straight; straight-on; erectly; flat; linear; spare; unembellished; just; directly; unblemished; leveled; plain; holy; honora
  • lurus-lurus:    straight; honest
  • rantai:    bangle; catenary; chain; fetter; bracelet; chains; concatenation; bicycle chain; irons; sir ernst boris chain; wristlet; ernst boris chain; string; strand; transmission belt; transmission chain; che
  • antena lurus:    linear antenna
  • berbanding lurus:    directly proportional
  • berjalan lurus:    go straight; going straight; gone straight
  • garis lurus:    bee line; straight line
  • gerak lurus:    rectilinear motion; translation (physics); linear motion
  • gerak-lurus:    rectilinear movement
  • gunung lurus:    mount lurus